The lid of the engine box folds back and drop boards on both sides are removable to give good access to the engine. The ladders are held in place with Murray snap apart hinges so are quick to remove.
Where the hull is exposed above the cabin sole a first layer of 1/4" red cedar was glued down to the hull with thickened epoxy. The hull was first prepped with a grinder and a 24 grit disc and wiped down with acetone. The cedar was faired and a second layer of 1/4" teak was glued down ensuring tight fits all around.
The 7/8" teak cabin sole is sitting on varnished angelique beams. The beams are in turn bolted to 18mm plywood knees that are epoxy 'glassed to the hull. I first set up a strong-back down the centre line and clamped all the beams in place. Then I could clamp the knees to the beams and fillet them to the hull and 'glass them in place knowing they would be exactly where I wanted them to be. The beams were then removed and the other side of the knee was 'glassed before re-installing the beams.
Looking down to the interior. The 7/8" bare teak floor boards have been fitted. One of those jobs that are quick but make a big difference to appearance.
Still have to finish off the Galley trim and cabinetry
Time to get out of the shop. A 3 hour drive away and an hour ski to here. Mt Albert Edward in the distance is a good ski if conditions are stable.
Sailing on schooner "Magic" for the Gaffers race in Sidney.
Here is "Alcyone" charging along.
Here is a detail of the settee cabinet
All the counter tops are ash. Cabinetry is Honduras Mahogany, staving VG fir, hull ceiling Ash, cabin sole bare teak. As the cabin sides and deck head are painted white the colours get darker from top to bottom helping everything to feel grounded.
Here is the sitz tup glued up and with two coats of epoxy sealer. A 2-part polyurethane will be varnished over the epoxy. The tub is 1/4" red cedar glued to 12mm plywood. The sitz tub is in the fo'csle.
The last job on the boat for 2008 was to lay the 9/16" sprung silver bali deck. This was glued to the red cedar sub deck with Aerodux resorcinol glue. The deck was glued down 3 strakes at a time and were held in place by lead ingots and pan head screws and fender washers driven down in between the seams. That gave me a deck with no screws or bungs. I had help with laying the deck from my father. Handling 26 ft long pieces covered in glue by yourself was not appealing. The seams still have to payed and the deck sanded down.
Did some pattern making and had them cast in Everdur silicon bronze by the good folks at Achinback Foundry only a 20min drive away.
The stainless steel galley counter top was ready. Very well made by Straight Metal 45min away in Sidney.
2009- During Feburary and March 2009 I got to work on the bulwarks. The woodstove did it's best to keep the shop warm.
The bulwarks are laminated from three layers of teak glued with resorcinol glue for a total thickness of 1 1/2". The bulwarks are supported by the stanchion bases and bolted through the deck and fiberglass flange with 3/8" silicon bronze rod. I used a scraping tool to put three 1/4" coves on the bedding surface of the bulwark. The bolt holes were also counter sunk in the deck and bulwark and an extra bead of 3M5200 was put around the holes and bolts.
The bulwarks are joined at the midships hawse blocking and I routed out to glue in a lapping piece so it is seamless. That allowed us to scribe and fit two more manageable pieces.
Stanchion base bolted to the deck and bulwark
I also had cast the bob stay tang (by Port Townsend Foundry) as well as a 1/4" stem band that wraps over the top of the stem under the gammon iron. The gammon iron is riveted with four 3/8" bronze carriage bolts.
Fitting the taff rail. The taff rail is laminated out of three 1/2" layers of teak with resorcinol glue.
Cast chain hawses
In June and July I finished the bulwarks and caulked the deck. The bulwark hawses were fit and installed. They were riveted together with 1/4" annealed bronze rod and filed flush for a hidden fastener.
Time was spent to hand shape the 1 1/2"x 3" bulwark cap to a pleasing oval shape on top and to saw it so the grain sweeps with the sheer. I was lucky with the teak I had and managed very little grain run out when sawing the pieces. The bulwark cap pieces which are each about 8-9 ft long, are joined with 4" half lap joints which give good glue surface area and less vertical seam that can weather on the top compared to a vertical hooked scarf. The taff rail knees are joined into the taff rail and bulwark cap with hooked scarfs.
The bronze deck armour seen below will serve three purposes. It will protect the deck under the bow sprit which will be difficult to keep clean, protects the deck from the chain and acts as a trim ring for the caulking around the samson post. This has served me well ensuring no leaks in the past. It also over laps the stem band which itself wraps over the stem and under the gammon iron. All leaving no gap for water to infiltrate in a difficult area to maintain.
The lazarette hatch is split in the middle so it opens like a book. Much easier with a tiller in the way.
Deck caulked and sanded. The deck was a lot of work and it was nice to see it completed.
My father came down and helped for four days with the transom. The transom was over laid with 1/2" vertical grain teak set in System Three G2 epoxy and fastened with bronze machine screws. Plywood pads and hex bolts tapped into the fiberglass were used to secure the planking during glue up, which was a messy affair, and when removed countersunk and replaced with a bronze machine screw. With a curved and racked transom one has to get the right curve when lining out the planks so it appears horizontal and fair when viewed from astern. A straight plank seam would appear to sag.
The sail locker was finished. The hull ceiling is yellow cedar. You can see the purple heart stem backing for the gammon iron and bob stay tang. Both set in thickened epoxy.
A picture of the interior. The cabin roof framing was completed and varnished and the 3/4" Western red cedar T&G was milled up and painted ready for the roof to go on when I get back to the boat at the end of September.
November-December 13th 2009
I managed to get in some work on the roof. I started off by finishing pre-painting the Western Red Cedar T&G I had milled up in July. To lay the T&G I started at the centre line and worked out either side so it would be symmetrical either side. Thus when you look up inside you will see the T&G planks die out in the curved sides at the same place port/starboard. Just the little details some people will notice but most won't.
When I fit a board I would have to go inside, mark off the beam's with some masking tape, pre-drill for nails and take the plank away and lightly grind off the paint where the beams are. Then glue it down with some white 3M5200 and nail it down with 1 3/4" bronze ring nails. A rather slow process that took two days to finish.
Some long boarding was next and then the second diagonal layer of Yellow Cedar could get cold molded on.
The staples all get removed and then faired with jack plane and long board before third layer could get glued down. I also routed in a groove to run wires for two over head lights. The wires make their way up to the roof through the brass tubing saloon table stanchion. One over head light at the galley and one over the table.
As usual I milled up all my own material and the roof was made from some beautiful cedar from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Here milling up the last layer of Red Cedar on the bandsaw.
Fairing the last layer for 'glassing. The roof got 'glassed with epoxy and one layer of 10oz cloth and one layer of Dynel (I used System Three Silver Tip Laminating epoxy which wets out the 'glass nicely and is blushless). The roof then got faired, long boarded and coated with another layer of epoxy. It is sanded and ready for primer now.
Here is a picture of the inside of the roof.
The sliding hatch and skylight came next. These take some care to make and are fun. Care had to be taken to ensure the 1/4" bronze carriage bolts for the sliding hatch rails came out dead-centre in the roof beams. I pre-drilled the holes in the rails with the drill press so that the holes would be dead square and could act as a guide for my drill bit when drilling through the roof. Some double-triple checking of measurements and all went well.
Building the skylight. The frame is joined with mortise and tenons.
The dorade boxes are an integral part of the skylight furniture. I wanted to try to join the pieces together rather than a bunch of seperate pieces planted all over the roof. The sliding hatch garage which is not built yet will tie the skylight and the sliding hatch into a contiguous unit as the rails for the garage will extend forward to the skylight making a sort of bin for storage area between the skylight and garage. It will be the first thing I get to when I get back to the boat as well as finish off the skylight and sliding hatch which are not completely done yet. The tops of the dorade boxes are solid fiberglass I laid up and will be painted out along with most of the roof structures. The only brightwork on the roof will be the sliding hatch and the actual skylight.
The skylight has a double coaming with four scuppers.