It looks like summer in the pictures but it was close to freezing and had to break through thin ice getting out of the marina.
Cold days are cozy with the heater and hot tea.
The attentive reader will notice the scrub brush on the cabin roof above and wonder if I use it on the deck which is of course no! It is for the anchor and the deck gets a gentle clean with a 3m red scrub pad in a circular motion with salt water and a little bit of dish soap a couple of times a year.
A good no nonsense product in a day where there is a lot of nonsense, is worth giving a mention. The heavy Carhartt rain jacket with neoprene inner cuffs is pretty darn good for West Coast weather and a fraction of the cost of anything "marine". Hood could be a bit better but there it is.
Sewed a sunbrella cover for the varnished bulwark cap. Tricky to find a way to secure it but could use chainplates and other places and a few discrete brass pad eyes located on the inner bulwark and outboard under the rub rail.