Friday, July 24, 2015

Bottom paint

Finished the barrier coats on the hull. After sanding the hull with 80 grit with 6" RO sanders we wiped down and rolled the layers of Interlux Inter-Protect 2000E . We rolled 4 inches above the waterline as the boot stripe will be 2 inches above the waterline so the InterProtect will over lap 2 inches into the boot stripe. We re-marked the waterline using flexible clear PVC  tubing and water  with blue dye. It was a quick process for one of us to be at the transom at the waterline mark and watch the dye and call up or down to the other until the dye was at the mark. Worked our way around the hull and took probably no more than 20min per side.

I had thought about using the Interlux two part Perfection paint for the free-board but I found out that it recently has been discontinued in Canada so that left Awlgrip. I had favoured the Protection as it was easily maintainable by the user and while Awlgrip is one tough paint it is not maintainable and very expensive. Well, once all the reducers and converters etc. are available in early August we can spray the free-board. In the mean time I un-masked the bulwark and am sanding it down to give it a third coat of Kingston Grey Brightside paint and then put on the half oval brass rubbing strip onto the rub rail. I will also get to work on the chain plate casting patterns and start milling up some more hull ceiling and bulkhead staving for the interior.

Masked off and Inter-Protect 2000E rolled on hull. With the metal stands and my old lumber boat stand gone one can really see the shape of the hull.


  1. Gorgeous. Beautiful work Kaj. Glad to see you back at the boat shed. It has to feel great.

  2. Just saw the blog is active again. The boat is looking wonderful.

  3. Thank You, It is good to be back in the shop and on the boat
